Monday 2 January 2017

How to add a website or blog in google webmaster

Today I am going to show a simple trick how you can easily find your website or blog in google search with the help of  google webmaster tool.Verifying your site on google webmaster has advantages like

*   gives details about errors in your website/ blog
*   gives you suggestion how can correct your errors
*   tells exactly correct number of click on your site
*   improve your ranking of website on google search engine
*   helps you see your website as google sees it
*   helps spot duplicate content issue
*   tracks your traffic performance & lots more

just follow these 5 simple & easy  steps

Step 1 : Search google webmaster on google & open the first link.

Step 2 : Now login in to google webmaster & click on add property and provide address of site which                                                           you want to verify.

Step 3 : Now click on alternative methods and click on HTML tag and copy the meta tag.

Step 4 : Now go to your blog design and  click on template and then go to edit html. After that press Ctrl + f to find and then type <head>   and copy the meta tag inside <head>   & </head>

Step 5 : Now click on verify on google webmaster page & you are good to go . After that u will see a page like this.

This Is The Oldest Page
